
Colorado Native Plants

Colorado Native Plants

USDA Plants Database - The USDA Plants Database offers a searchable database of plants native to Colorado. You will find lists of plants by their scientific and common names, as well as individual plant pages with numerous facts about whatever plant you might be interested in. You are sure to find some useful information to help you with both your large and small garden needs.

Southwest Colorado Wildflowers - On this site, you will find a wide range of information to help you gather great garden landscaping ideas for your own project. You'll find information and pictures of various wildflowers as well as help in identifying and photographing plants you may come across.

Roadside Use of Native Plants/Plant and Resource Lists - This site, created by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, presents a simple list of native plant species found in the state of Colorado. Seperated by plant types, such as shrubs, grasses, and trees, it is a perfect resource to find-out what plants are considered native to the region as well as learn the names of federally listed endangered plant species. At the end of the page, you will also find contact information for a variety of state-based resources available to assist you in your projects.

Colorado State Cooperative Extension Horticulture Online - The mission of the Colorado Plant Database (CPD) is to educate the public about the biological and human values of Colorado plants in order to foster stewardship and sustainable use of plant resources. This site offers a searchable database of plants that enables a person to search for a plant based on its name or characteristics. On top of this, it also has information on what xeriscaping plants are currently in bloom around the state.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - This site offers a searchable database of Colorado native plants. Within individual plant pages, you will find such information as bloom information, growing conditions, and plant characteristics. Offering a wide variety of landscape pictures, this site is a must for anyone interested in gardening or landscaping, whether they are professionals or amatures.