
Front Yard Landscaping For Curb Appeal

Creating curb appeal is one of those landscaping areas where you want your front yard to stand out from surrounding yards without being ...

Creating curb appeal is one of those landscaping areas where you want your front yard to stand out from surrounding yards without being totally out of place from the rest of the neighborhood. Keep that in mind while looking at these pictures.

Along with this gallery, there are several examples front yard landscape designs and curb appeal in the designs gallery. There's also one rather interesting idea that I created that's worth taking a look at. See: curb appeal.

You'll find it much easier to come up with an idea if you don't try to find an exact match for your yard. Gather ideas from several sources and mix and match. Generally, most yards are unique in shape. It can be very frustrating to try and find an exact example of your front yard.

This gallery is free to visitors of The Landscape Design Site. Also see my original pictures gallery for more photos, examples, and plans.