
Driveway Border Planting

This is a nice driveway border layout with a lot of evergreen plants for all season interest. Evergreens are great elements for creating ...

Ideas and tips for planting schemes around front yard driveways

This is a nice driveway border layout with a lot of evergreen plants for all season interest. Evergreens are great elements for creating permanence, balance, consistency, and interest with textures and shades. By placing evergreen plants in all major planting areas, you'll create a consistant display and sense of permanence in all seasons. If you do a little research on plants in your area, you'll probably discover many different types of evergreens for your yard and landscaping.

You may also notice how height is created with the decorative accent shrubs and trees. These trees won't get so large as to dwarf the home but will still help keep the home from being the only large element in the layout.

Another thing to notice is the brick row around the otherwise plain gray concrete. While you have many types of decorative concrete available to you today to create border beds around driveways, a brick row like this is a good method for dressing up an existing slab. And if you have a brick home and are able to use the same type of brick as the home, it can be a very dramatic way to tie home and landscaping together as a whole.