
Buffalo Grass Lawn Turf

Geographic Zones: Buffalo Grass grows throughout the Great Plains region of the U.S., which includes many of the states in the middle of ...

Geographic Zones: Buffalo Grass grows throughout the Great Plains region of the U.S., which includes many of the states in the middle of the country, from Mexico up to Montana.

Water Requirements: This grass species needs very little water to thrive. As a general rule of thumb, about 1 inch of water a week is good enough to keep a buffalo grass lawn green, though it can survive with even less.

Fertilizer Requirements: The fertilization requirements of Buffalo type Grass is extremely low. In fact, it doesn't need fertilization at all, thought it does respond well to occasional, light applications of nitrogen. Such fertilization should not exceed 2 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet a year.

When to Plant: Mid-spring to mid-summer is generally considered the best time to plant this turf type, with the months of April and May being particularly well suited for planting. Fall planting of seeds can also work, but most germination will not occur until the next spring.

Recommended Mowing Height: The recommended mowing height for this lawn is between 1 and 2 inches. However, it can also be left to grow in a natural clumped state where it tops out around 5 to 7 inches tall. It's very popular in naturalized lawns accompanied by various wildflowers. When used like this it is a very carefree yard.

Light Requirements: This grass needs a lot of sunlight to thrive. It doesn't tolerate shade well.

Best Places to Use: Buffalo Grass has a very low tolerance for heavy traffic. But, due to its low maintenance requirements, it is still a good grass to use for such places as lawns, parks, and roadsides.

Common Diseases: This grass has a natural resistance to most diseases, though it can still be affected by some. Diseases to watch out for include anthracnose and take-all root rot.

Common Pests: Like with diseases, Buffalo Grass has a natural resistance to many pests that trouble other lawn-types. There are no particular pest threats to this lawn grass.

Soil pH: The recommended pH for areas where you want to plant Buffalo lawn Grass is between 6.0 and 8.5.

Special Advantages:

  • Very drought resistant
  • Heat tolerant
  • Extremely low maintenance requirements
  • Can stay green into the fall
  • Resistant to most diseases and pests

Special Problems:

  • Very intolerant of shade
  • Browns in the winter and slow to "green-up" in the summer
  • Can have the appearance of being "wild"
  • Can't stand up to heavy-traffic
  • Its low density can encourage weed growth