
Centipede Grass Lawn Turf

Geographic Zones: Centipede grass grows best in the south-eastern states, in a rough area stretching from the southern border of Virginia...

Geographic Zones: Centipede grass grows best in the south-eastern states, in a rough area stretching from the southern border of Virginia to south-east Texas.

Water Requirements: During average rainfall seasons, Centipedegrass needs very little additional watering. It can pretty much take care of itself. Under drought conditions or other low rainfall times, watering will need to be increased.

Fertilizer Requirements: This type of grass needs very little fertilization to thrive. At most, a yearly application is usually sufficient.

When to Plant: Planting is best accomplished during the late spring or early summer months, when soil temperatures are around 70 degrees or higher and there is no chance of a freeze or frost occurring. You should never plant during a time where a freeze/frost is likely within 90 days of planting.

Recommended Mowing Height: Lawns covered by this type of grass should not be mown very low. The recommended height for this grass is between 1 ½ and 2 inches.

Light Requirements: While it does have some shade tolerance, it cannot handle very high amounts. It is recommended that you only use this grass in areas that will receive plenty of sunshine.

Best Places to Use: While this grass can be used for a variety of purposes, such as lawns, parks, and commercial areas, it should be noted that it doesn't handle heavy traffic well. It is slow to repair damage. Thus, if you are planning on planting in a high traffic area, it is best to consider a different type of grass.

Common Diseases: The most common diseases to affect centipede grass are brown patch and dollar spot.

Common Pests: Nematodes and ground pearls are the most common pest affecting this type of grass, though they can be easily avoided by keeping the moisture level of the soil up. Other pests to watch for when growing this grass include spittlebugs, sod webworms, mole crickets, caterpillars, and grubs.

Soil pH: This grass prefers a low pH soil to grow in. The optimum pH range is 5.0 to 5.5.

Special Advantages:

  • Very low maintenance. Can almost take care of itself in most situations.
  • Low fertilization requirements.
  • Fairly drought tolerant.
  • Growth can choke out most weeds and other grasses.

Special Problems:

  • Low salt tolerance.
  • Relatively low tolerance to shade.
  • Doesn't handle cold well.
  • Doesn't grow well in high-traffic areas.
  • Damage doesn't repair quickly.