
Zoysia Lawn Turf Grass Information

Geographic Zones: Zoysiagrass grows well in an area stretching from the north of Maryland across the southern states to the coast of ...

Geographic Zones: Zoysiagrass grows well in an area stretching from the north of Maryland across the southern states to the coast of California, almost a third of the entire U.S. It does particularly well along coastal areas.

Water Requirements: Although it is very drought tolerant, Zoysia grows best with occasional deep watering. Be careful not to over-water.

Fertilizer Requirements: 2-4 lbs. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet a year is recommended for this grass to grow best. Fertilize during the months of active growth, from about April to October.

When to Plant: It's best to plant sometime in the late spring or early summer months, after the soil temperatures are 70 degrees or higher and there is no-longer a possibility of a freeze/frost occurring. Since it's slow to grow, it's also important to have new plantings establish themselves well before cool temperatures force the grass into a dormant state.

Recommended Mowing Height: This lawn type should be mowed to a height of about ½ - 1 inch.

Light Requirements: In the southern, hotter climates, this grass can do fairly well in moderately shaded areas. In colder climates, however, it is best to plant it in areas that receive plenty of sun exposure.

Best Places to Use: This type of grass is very salt tolerant and can handle wear better than most turfgrasses. On the other hand, its slow rate of growth means that it recovers from damage very slowly. Thus, it is best to use in areas that might receive heavy traffic, but not concentrated in a single area.

Common Diseases: Not many diseases affect Zoysiagrass. The few that due, such as brownpatch, rust, and leaf spot, usually will disappear when environmental conditions change.

Common Pests: Like with diseases, this grass has very few major pest problems. The only major ones to worry about are white grubs and nematodes.

Soil pH: The pH of the soil you plant Zoysia in should be in the range of 4.5-7.5 in order to get the best growth out of the grass.

Special Advantages:

  • Very drought resistance
  • Can handle high-traffic situations well
  • Salt tolerant
  • Resistant to most diseases and pests

Special Problems:

  • Takes a long time to grow
  • Recovers from damage slowly
  • Zoysia is dormant in winter