
California Native Plants

California Native Plants

California Native Plant Society - The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is a statewide non-profit organization of amateurs and professionals with a common interest in California's native plants. Through a variety of programs, this organization provides assistance to individuals who what to develop and impliment landscaping designs of their own.

Roadside Use of Native Plants - Put together by the Federal Highway Administration, this page offers a simple list of California native plants seperated into a variety of plant types. At the end of the page is a list of other resources individuals interested in using native plants in their home landscaping ideas may find useful as well.

California Gardens: California Native Plant Lists - This site offers a list of plants native to California. Within individual plant pages, you will find a simple description of the plant along with some excellent pictures featuring the plant in question.

USDA Plants Database - The USDA Plants Database was designed to provide information about native plants from around the U.S. On this page, you will find a list of California native plants along with links to individual plant pages that provide a number of important facts about each individual plant.

The Theodore Payne Foundation California Native Plant Library - The Theodore Payne Foundation site contains a list of the native plants found in California. This list can be sorted in a variety of ways, including common names, water needs, and flower color. Within individual plant pages, you'll find a simple chart full of helpful information to help decide if the plant is right for your needs, such as hardiness, soil type, and flowering season.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Based at The University of Texas at Austin, this site has a database of native plants for all the U.S. states, including California. Within individual pages, you'll find pictures and information about each plant to help you will all your large or small garden needs.